Interim care order extended for a six-month-old baby with complex medical needs who remained in the children’s hospital – 2024vol1#16

Dublin District Court granted an extension of an interim care order for a six-month-old baby with complex medical needs where there had been little engagement from the mother and no engagement with the father.

The mother was unable to attend court but did consent to the extension as did the father. The father asked for a meeting through his solicitor with the social work team to discuss access. His advocate would attend any meeting with him. The guardian ad litem (GAL) supported the extension application and reported that foster carers had been identified and that they were engaged in training.

The solicitor for the Child and Family Agency (CFA) told the court that since the last court date the paternal grandfather and his family have put themselves forward as possible foster carers and they were in the process of being assessed. The child remained in hospital as he had complex medical needs.

The solicitor told the court that the paternal grandparents had been spending time with the baby in the hospital as were the home care support team who were building a bond with him. No discharge date had been agreed yet as the baby was on constant oxygen and a significant home care package would be required to be put in place.

The baby’s birth had been registered and that was a welcome development.

The court reminded the CFA that any change in placement of the child needed to come back before the court and be re-entered in advance of any change of placement.

The interim care order was extended by 28 days.